a t t e n d a n c e
Timedynamo is now attendance.ai

Application Features

attendance.ai allows for real-time attendance tracking and paves way for improved productivity at the work place. You know the laggards from work hours to plan better.

attendance capturing


attendance.ai helps the staff to raise requests and receive approvals within a single interface in just no time.
  • Through Biometric
  • Through mobile phone
  • Exception - In case of check-in / check-out missed
requests & approvals

request & approvals

attendance.ai helps the staff to raise requests and receive approvals within a single interface in just no time.
  • Leave request
  • Permission request
  • Comp-off request
  • Swap request


attendance.ai helps the staff to raise requests and receive approvals within a single interface in just no time.
  • Customized notifications
  • Email / SMS Notification
attendance reports


attendance.ai helps the staff to raise requests and receive approvals within a single interface in just no time.
  • Attendance reports
  • Self attendance report ( Daily / Weekly / Monthly )
  • Team attendance report ( Daily / Weekly / Monthly )
  • Attendance graph report ( Daily / Weekly / Monthly )
  • Leave reports
  • Self leave report ( Daily / Weekly / Monthly )
  • Team leave report ( Daily / Weekly / Monthly )
  • Leave graph report ( Daily / Weekly / Monthly )
leave reports

Schedule Management

attendance.ai helps the staff to raise requests and receive approvals within a single interface in just no time.
  • Shift Roster( Daily / Weekly / Monthly )
  • Weekoff Roster ( Daily / Weekly / Monthly )
Success starts with
Future of attedance systems?

The business world is increasingly hungry for a unified solution platform for its multifarious employee related matters. Starting from the challenge of recording real-time attendance, maintaining retrievable records, to ensuring statuory compliance - the business owners need and demand a one-stop resoltion.

The need for a comprehensive and tamper-proof answer makes attendance systems the "to-go" software for every business and government alike, irrespective of size. Administrators and Management can seemlessly combine diverse functionalities under one roof for optimized results.

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