blog Remote Team Productivity And Employee Engagement

Remote Team Productivity And Employee Engagement

Davu Siva

Team Productivity And Employee Engagement

Remote work- the future of work! It is a modern trend that is going viral.

As of now, we have seen in-office employees but the future is about to bring more remote workers. It has become an integral part of the business in the last few years. Already many companies have adopted this employee productivity management system in their culture of work.


Because of numerous benefits, every business is hiring remote teams of potential employees along with the in-office employees who can work along with other remote workers. According to statistics, remote workers are 20% more productive than in-house office workers.

Let us start with some basics.

What is a remote team?

Remote teams are the cohort of highly talented workers who are having different skills, hailing from different locations either within the country or outside the country. They were formed to work on a single project at different locations.

How could remote working benefit to the business?

  • Increased productivity
  • Faster completion of projects
  • Efficiency
  • High-quality work
  • More productivity in less time

How to improve remote team productivity?

Remote teams deliver outstanding results already. However, still, need to improve for faster production. Managing remote employees is a challenging one since it requires the perfect blending of work for a particular project from different people in different countries of different time zones.

Challenges in Managing Remote Teams:

  • Need to balance and manage everyone equally by acknowledging their flexible times, skills, and locations
  • Schedule management
  • Communication and collaboration management within and with the team
  • Resources management
  • Tracking them and their progress in the work

To improve team productivity, the remote team manager has to monitor these things

  1. Timing
  2. Status of the project
  3. Communication among remote workers
  4. Sharing of the information/documents

Read on to know the ways to improve remote team productivity:

Towards a unified Project…….

#1. First things first:

a. The objective of the project:

The first and foremost thing will be the objective of the project. Set clear goals for the project before assigning them to the remote workers beforehand.

b. Assign each one with a particular task:

Undoubtedly, your team members will have multi-skill set and assign each the task they fit for and provide details of deadlines and delivery schedules.

#2 Allot a co-working space or shared space for the remote workers

Currently, the co-working spaces or shared spaces are becoming more popular and sprouting for remote workers with dynamic environments. Let them work at their home or any location of their choice. As a manager, you can also provide them co-working spaces such as Shared office space (Bangalore), The Place (Mumbai) which are specially designed for remote workers amid pleasant environment far from chaos and disturbances with good amenities and it emphasizes more on networking and community. The remote employees can work in their flexible timings.

These places will give them accessibility and flexibility to their work, can give comfort and new thoughts by that they can easily maintain the work-life balance.

It also helps them building community and learn new things from their new network.

#3: No doubt! Biometric Attendance management software works well to track remote worker’s time.

As I have already said in the definition of remote work, the employees work at different timings at different locations. The attendance tracking of all will become a tough row to hoe. Here the attendance management software comes as an aid. Adopt a software such as Time Dynamo that allows accurate tracking of attendance and working hours of employees.

Why Time Dynamo?

This biometric attendance system allows real-time attendance tracking system. This system doesn’t need a lot of hardware since it comes handy as a Tablet with software integrated in it. It is also available as a mobile application. Give access to each employee to this software so that they can use it to check-in and check-out while working. Thus, they can record their attendance in the system and let you calculate their working hours hassle-free.

Features of TimeDynamo:

  1. Accurate attendance
  2. Accurate calculation of working hours
  3. Absent management
  4. Tracks GPS
  5. Mobile app
  6. Scheduling
  7. Analytics and User reports
  8. Payroll generation
  9. Biometric Integration

Timing can be tracked effectively with this advanced software. Okay. Then how to communicate well within the team members? read on to the fourth step here.

#4 No lack of Communication and Engagement

Communication plays a vital role in everything and employees engagement resembles the connectivity and progress. With the advent of technology, distance is no longer a barrier to communicate, collaborate, and for accomplishing project work.

As a manager or company owner, you have to make communication easy at both ends since the employees need effective collaboration in the work. Use software solutions such as Skype to talk with each other about any discussion, queries, and need any support. Communicate well when to contact each other by tying up timings at both ends since all will have different time zones in remote work. You can organize retreats, meetings at co-working places, etc. for team communication.

#5 Use document collaboration software

The document collaboration tools such as G suite, office 365, etc. can be used to send and receive documents on a single interface. The draft documents, modified documents, and final documents can be shared within the team and accessible for an effective collaboration for the project.

However, with the advent of technology, advanced tools such as Troop Messenger come with new age features that help in both employee engagement and document collaboration and face-to-face communication.

What are the tools required for collaboration and communication?

  • Skype - Sound communication and collaboration of work
  • Troop Messenger - Sharing files, Communication, task tracking and management with CRM
  • Time Dynamo - Attendance Tracking, team engagement, and employee attendance management system

#6 Gauge progress regularly

You have made everything tailor-made by adopting the required software for remote work productivity. Finally, you have to keep track of the progress of the project on a daily/weekly/monthly basis and supervise over the tasks. And based on the progress, you have to plan and act further.


In a nutshell, these are the times most of the businesses are embracing remote teams for increased productivity. Though you have made an excellent remote team, tackling the challenges in managing the team and their engagement is a tough job because of different demographics. With the ways provided here and Cloud Based Time Management System such as Time Dynamo, you can improve team productivity like never before. Don’t let any stone unturned for enhancing the chances for the company’s growth.

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